Foam Hockey Pucks  Are Quickly Gaining Popularity

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Are you a hockey enthusiast looking for a new twist on the classic game? Look no further than foam hockey pucks! These lightweight and durable alternatives to traditional wooden or rubber pucks offer a unique playing experience that is perfect for all ages and skill levels.

 From backyard games with friends to organized leagues, foam hockey pucks are quickly gaining popularity in the world of ice sports. In this article, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about pucks – from their benefits to how they work, and even how to make your own! So grab your sticks and let’s get started exploring the exciting world of foam hockey pucks.

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A&R Sports Official Size Soft Foam, Safe Indoor Hockey Practice Sponge Puck Brand- A&R
Material- Foam
Color- Black
Sport Type- Hockey
Number of Items
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A&R Sports Pro Series Lighting Speed Foam Pucks (Pack Of 2) Red Coated foam for additional speed
2 soft foam hockey pucks
Fun for all ages
Lighting speed foam pucks Comes in a pack of 2
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Slick Shinny Indoor Floor Carpet Foam Puck Indoor hockey puck designed and tested to slide great on carpet, hardwood, tile, concrete, etc. floors in home, basement, garage and gym Check Price
Inglasco Mini Foam Hockey Puck (Stars) NHL Mini Foam Hockey Puck
Full Color Team Graphics
Officially Licensed NHL Collectible
Size: 2.5″ x 2.5″ x 0.75″
Check Price

What are foam hockey pucks?

Foam hockey pucks are a type of puck used in the game of hockey that is made entirely out of foam. Unlike traditional wooden or rubber pucks, foam hockey pucks are much lighter and softer to the touch. This makes them ideal for younger players who may be intimidated by heavier, harder pucks.

There are several different types of foam used to make these pucks, including high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), and expanded polystyrene (EPS). Each type has its unique characteristics that affect factors like weight, durability, and how they interact with ice surfaces.

One significant advantage of using pucks is their safety factor. Traditional wooden or rubber pucks can cause severe injury if struck at high speeds or in sensitive areas like the face or throat. Hockey pucks drastically reduce this risk while still providing all the excitement and challenge of regular games.

In addition to being safer, pucks also have a lower impact on surrounding objects than traditional hockey equipment. This makes them perfect for playing games inside homes without worrying about damaging walls or furniture.

Foam hockey pucks offer an excellent alternative for those looking for a safer way to play this exciting sport while still experiencing all the fun and thrill it has to offer!

Types of foam hockey pucks

There are various types of hockey pucks available in the market that you can choose from based on your preference and game need. Here are some of the most common types:

Standard Foam Hockey Pucks

These are basic foam pucks designed for recreational play, practice or training sessions. They come in different colors depending on manufacturer specifications.

Soft Foam Hockey Pucks

These pucks have a softer feel compared to standard foam hockey pucks, making them ideal for younger players who might be afraid of hard objects.

Heavy-Duty Foam Hockey Pucks

 As the name suggests, these type of foam hockey pucks are heavier than standard ones and can withstand more impact without getting deformed or damaged.

Glow-in-the-dark Foam Hockey Puck

 If you prefer playing at night or in low light conditions then this is an excellent option! The puck absorbs light during daylight hours and glows brightly once it gets dark.

Training/Practice Foam Hockey Puck with Holes

This kind has holes drilled into their design to reduce air resistance when they fly through the air; perfect for improving shooting accuracy!

Each type offers its unique set of advantages over others, so choosing which one best suits your needs depends on what you want out of your game experience!

How to play with a foam hockey puck?

Playing hockey with a foam puck is an excellent way to practice your skills without the risk of injury. It’s also a fun game for kids and beginners who are just learning how to play. Here are some tips on how to play with a foam hockey puck:

Use appropriate equipment

Make sure you have all the necessary gear, including helmets, gloves, shin guards, elbow pads, and skates.

Find a suitable playing surface

A smooth floor or driveway is ideal for playing with foam pucks.

Set up goals

You can use cones or other objects as goals.

Divide players into teams

Depending on the number of players available, you can divide them into two or more teams.

Start the game

The game starts with one team passing the puck to their teammates while trying to score in their opponent’s goal.

Keep track of time and score

Decide on a set time limit for each period and keep track of scores using tally marks or whiteboards.

Follow basic rules

 Like traditional ice hockey games, there should be no tripping, slashing or hitting allowed during gameplay.

Playing with foam pucks can provide hours of fun for everyone involved – from children just starting out in organized sports programs through adults looking to sharpen their skills off-season.

How to make foam hockey pucks

Making pucks is an easy and fun DIY project that can be done at home with just a few materials. Here are the steps to make your own foam hockey puck:

Gather the materials

You will need foam sheets, a circular cutter or scissors, glue, and sandpaper.

Cut out the circles

Use the circular cutter or scissors to cut out circles from the foam sheet. Make sure they are about 3 inches in diameter.

Glue together

Take two of the circles and apply glue around their edges, then press them firmly together.

Sand down edges

Once dry, use sandpaper to smooth down any rough edges on your new foam puck.

Personalize it (optional)

If you want to add some personality to your puck, you can paint it with acrylics or markers!

Now that you have made your very own foam hockey puck at home, get ready for some fun games! Foam pucks are great for young children who are just learning how to play ice hockey or for indoor games where using regular pucks might not be safe. Be creative and explore different designs and colors when making your own unique set of foam pucks!

What is the difference between a regular hockey puck and a foam hockey puck?

When it comes to playing hockey, the type of puck you use can make a big difference in your game. While traditional hockey pucks are made of hard rubber or vulcanized rubber, pucks provide an alternative for players who prefer a softer and safer option.

One major difference between regular and foam hockey pucks is their weight. Foam pucks are much lighter than traditional ones, making them easier to handle for younger or less experienced players. They also tend to bounce less than rubber pucks, reducing the risk of injuries during gameplay.

Another key difference between these two types of pucks is their composition. Regular hockey pucks are typically made with dense materials that give them their characteristic hardness, while foam versions are constructed from soft but durable materials like polyurethane foam. This makes them more forgiving if they come into contact with walls or other surfaces during play.

Despite these differences, both types of hockey puck have distinct advantages and disadvantages depending on your skill level and personal preference as a player. Ultimately, choosing the right type of puck will depend on factors such as your level of experience and how you plan to use it in gameplay.

What are the benefits of using foam hockey pucks?

Hockey pucks offer various benefits compared to traditional rubber or plastic pucks. First and foremost, they are much safer for both players and equipment. Due to their lightweight construction, foam pucks do not cause as much damage when hitting walls, boards or other equipment during gameplay.

Another added benefit of hockey pucks is that they can be used indoors without causing any damage to flooring or walls. Since the puck is made from soft materials, it will not create marks on surfaces.

Additionally, foam hockey pucks can also help improve a player’s stickhandling skills. Because they are lighter than regular pucks, it requires more finesse and control to maintain possession of the puck during gameplay.

Hockey pucks are perfect for beginners who are just starting out with the sport due to their reduced weight and size. This makes them easier to handle and less intimidating for new players who may struggle with traditional heavier pucks.

Using hockey pucks can provide numerous benefits such as safety improvements, indoor use capabilities, skill development opportunities and beginner-friendly features that make them an excellent choice for both recreational players and serious athletes alike.

Pros and Cons foam hockey pucks

Foam hockey pucks offer a lot of benefits, but they also have some drawbacks. Here are the pros and cons of using foam hockey pucks:



Foam hockey pucks are much safer to use than traditional hard rubber or plastic pucks. They can reduce injuries caused by errant shots or accidental contact.


Foam hockey pucks can last longer than traditional pucks because they don’t suffer from wear and tear as quickly.


Unlike the loud slap sound that comes with using a hard puck, foam hockey pucks are quiet and won’t disturb neighbors or nearby players.



Because foam hockey pucks don’t travel as fast or as far as traditional ones, players may find it more difficult to hone their accuracy skills when practicing with them.


While foam hockey pucks can be durable in the long run, they tend to be more expensive upfront than other types of practice equipment.


Some players may feel that foam hockey pucks aren’t heavy enough, which could impact their ability to practice certain moves effectively.

While there are some drawbacks to using hockey pucks compared to traditional ones, these unique training tools offer plenty of advantages for those looking for a safer way to enjoy playing this popular sport.

How to use foam hockey pucks?

Using foam hockey pucks is easy and straightforward. They are great for indoor play, especially in areas where using regular hockey pucks may not be safe. Here’s a quick guide on how to use hockey pucks:

Firstly, ensure that you have the right equipment. You will need a hockey stick that is appropriate for your height and skill level. The blade of the stick should be able to handle hitting a puck without getting damaged.

Next, set up your playing area according to your preference. Hockey pucks can be used in any indoor space as they do not damage walls or floors.

Once you’re ready to start playing, position yourself with the puck at one end of the playing area while an opponent positions themselves at the other end.

When you’re ready, pass or shoot the puck towards your opponent using proper technique just like when using a regular hockey puck.

Foam hockey pucks fly through the air slightly differently than regular ones due to their lighter weight and different size. Take time practicing shots and passes until you get comfortable with them.

Always prioritize safety when playing with hockey pucks by wearing protective gear such as helmets and gloves.

With these simple tips on hand, it won’t take long before you become familiar with using Hockey pucks for all sorts of fun games indoors!

The best places to buy foam hockey pucks

If you’re in the market for foam hockey pucks, there are several places where you can purchase them. Here are some of the unique and best options:

Sporting Goods Stores

Many sporting goods stores carry foam hockey pucks, including big chain stores like Dick’s Sporting Goods and Academy Sports + Outdoors.

Online Retailers

You can find a wide variety of foam hockey pucks online from retailers like Amazon, HockeyMonkey.com, and Pure Hockey.

Specialty Shops

Some specialty shops that cater to ice hockey players may also carry foam hockey pucks. Check with your local shop or do a search online to see if there are any near you.

Local Ice Rinks

 If you play at a local ice rink, they may sell foam hockey pucks on-site or be able to recommend where to purchase them locally.

Secondhand Marketplaces

Consider checking out secondhand marketplaces like eBay or Facebook Marketplace for gently used foam hockey pucks at discounted prices.

No matter which option you choose, make sure to read reviews and compare prices before making your purchase.

How do you use a foam hockey puck?

Using a foam hockey puck is relatively easy and straightforward. To start, you need to make sure that you have all the required gear such as gloves, helmets, sticks and other protective equipment before playing.

Once you have everything in place, like a regular hockey game, both teams take positions on opposite sides of the rink. The objective is to shoot the foam puck into the opposing team’s goal while maintaining control over it by passing or shooting.

You can use different techniques with your stick to handle the puck. For example, if you want to pass it to one of your teammates, use a sweeping motion similar to that used when hitting a golf ball. If you want more power when shooting at the goalpost, then hit down on top of the puck with your stick while keeping your eyes focused on where you’re aiming.

Remember that unlike traditional pucks made from hard materials like rubber or plastic which bounce off surfaces unpredictably; foam pucks absorb impact well but don’t have much rebound so be prepared for slower-paced games.

Using a foam hockey puck requires no special skills beyond those needed for conventional ice-hockey games – just keep in mind how different types of shots work best with this softer material!

Are foam hockey pucks dangerous?

Foam hockey pucks are generally considered safer than traditional hockey pucks made of rubber or vulcanized rubber. This is because hockey pucks are lightweight and softer, which reduces the risk of injury during gameplay.

However, this does not mean that hockey pucks are completely without danger. If used improperly or with excessive force, they can still cause harm to players or bystanders. It is important to use caution while playing with any type of puck and follow proper safety guidelines.

One potential danger of using hockey pucks is that they may break apart over time if subjected to repeated impacts, especially on hard surfaces such as concrete or asphalt. Broken pieces could pose a choking hazard for young children and pets who might mistake them for food.

Another risk associated with foam hockey pucks is that their lighter weight and reduced speed may lead players to take fewer precautions during gameplay. Players should always wear appropriate protective gear when participating in any kind of physical activity.

While hockey pucks offer a safer alternative for younger players or those learning the game, it is important to exercise caution and follow proper safety guidelines at all times when using any type of puck in gameplay.

How do foam hockey pucks work?

Foam hockey pucks work by providing a lighter and safer alternative to traditional hard rubber or plastic pucks. They are made of foam materials that absorb the impact of collisions, reducing the risk of injury during games and practice sessions.

When a player shoots or passes a foam puck, it travels at a slower speed than its harder counterparts. This makes them ideal for beginners who are just learning how to play hockey. Foam pucks also allow players to practice their stickhandling skills without worrying about damaging equipment or injuring others.

Another benefit of using pucks is that they can be used indoors without causing damage to floors, walls, or other surfaces. This opens up opportunities for year-round training and practice sessions in areas where outdoor hockey may not be possible due to weather conditions.

The design of hockey pucks varies depending on the manufacturer and intended use. Some have weight added to mimic the feel of real pucks while others may have different densities designed for specific types of drills or training exercises.

Foam hockey pucks provide players with an inexpensive and safe way to practice their skills both indoors and outdoors.

How to choose the right type of foam hockey puck for your game?

Choosing the right type of foam hockey puck for your game can make a big difference in terms of performance and safety. Before making a purchase, you should consider several factors.

Firstly, think about the playing surface. If you are playing on an ice rink or smooth surface, then a harder foam puck will work well. But if you’re playing on a rougher surface like asphalt or concrete, then it’s better to opt for a softer foam puck that won’t bounce as much.

Another factor is your skill level and experience. Beginner players may prefer using larger-sized pucks with less weight while advanced players may want smaller-sized pucks that require more precision when handling.

The temperature also plays an important role in choosing the right type of foam hockey puck. If you plan to play outdoors during colder months, choose denser pucks that will maintain their shape in cold temperatures.

Consider whether you’ll be using the puck for training purposes or actual gameplay – different types of pucks have been designed specifically for each purpose.

By considering these factors before purchasing your next set of hockey pucks, you’ll ensure maximum enjoyment and performance from your game!

How to store and care for a foam hockey puck?

Storing and caring for foam hockey pucks is important to ensure their longevity and effectiveness in games. Here are some tips on how to properly store and care for your foam hockey pucks.

Firstly, it’s important to keep your foam hockey pucks away from extreme temperatures or direct sunlight as they can cause damage or deformity. It’s recommended to store them in a cool, dry area such as a garage or basement.

Secondly, avoid storing your foam hockey pucks with any sharp objects that could puncture or damage the surface of the puck. This includes other equipment like skates, sticks, and helmets.

It’s crucial to clean your pucks regularly after use. Simply use warm water and soap to gently scrub off any dirt or debris that may have accumulated during gameplay. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could scratch the surface of the puck.

By following these simple steps you can help prolong the life of your pucks and ensure optimal performance during gameplay.


Foam hockey pucks have become increasingly popular in recent years for players of all ages and skill levels. They offer a safer alternative to traditional hockey pucks while still providing an authentic playing experience.

There are various types of pucks available on the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the right type depends on your individual needs and preferences.

To summarize, hockey pucks can be used for both indoor and outdoor play, making them versatile options for different types of games. They are also great for beginners who want to practice their skills without risking injury from a hard rubber puck.

Whether you’re practicing at home or playing in organized leagues, investing in high-quality foam hockey pucks is a smart choice that will benefit your game in many ways. With proper care and storage, they can last for years to come.

So if you’re looking for a safer way to enjoy the sport you love or simply want to mix up your regular training routine, consider giving hockey pucks a try. Your game (and body) will thank you!

Nazrul Islam: Nazrul is an established author and the esteemed Sports Editor of the ADT Canada Russia Challenge. His passion for sports journalism is evident in each article he crafts, giving life to statistics and scores.
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